First Domino Marketing offers specialized brand research services designed to uncover deep insights into your target audience's needs and behaviors. Our suite includes buyer persona/ICP development, customer journey mapping, marketing gap analysis, and comprehensive audits of competitive marketing and branding. These tools are crafted to enhance your understanding of customers and competitors, spotlight growth opportunities, and shape strategies that not only boost sales but also keep you a step ahead in a competitive market.

  • Gain a deep understanding of your customer's goals, needs, and challenges to deliver personalized service, relevant content, and valuable sales information. Creating buyer personas allows you to prioritize adjustments to your offerings to serve your customers better.

  • Map out your customers' experiences with your brand at every touchpoint to take advantage of opportunities through social media, email, live chat, or other channels.

  • Research major competitors to gain insight into their products, sales, and marketing strategies to develop stronger business strategies, stay ahead of competitors, and increase market share.

  • An assessment that identifies both strong and weak areas. The audit will provide decision-makers with facts, analysis, and data to help support decisions that affect overall business goals.

  • Identify areas where your marketing efforts may fall short and develop a plan to address any gaps to increase sales and improve overall marketing effectiveness.